which I absolutely cannot refrain from using at every conversational opportunity which seems even remotely apt is "retarted animal babys." If you think there is no place for this term in your every day repartee, then, well, you just aren't trying hard enough. Give it a try. You'll be amazed how often you can squeeze a retarted animal baby in to just about any situation. Last night, for example, as I watched the shuffling, mumbling, stuttering, slouching, shrugging "president" fail miserably at the most essential presidential function of lying artfully, I coudn't help thinking to myself, "Wow George W. Bush is quite the retarted animal baby is he not?"
Which, if there is any justice in the world, should catch on as the coolest and most obscure google bomb in history. Or maybe it's just some problem I have I don't know.
Remember, you have to spell it like it reads or it loses its power. Like this : retarted animal baby
edited for spelling (I am a retarted animal baby)