
Monday, April 05, 2004

I don't care what you think the lesson is about me

Yup, it's the Kurt Cobain 10 year anniversary. Wow and you didn't think you were old? I don't want to be a big asshole and ruminate on this. I'll just answer a few questions no one asked me.
  • Yes, Daisy, I do remember where I was when I heard about the suicide. It was Friday and I was fresh out of class in Baton Rouge and just getting in the car to spend the weekend drinking in New Orleans (the regular pattern throughout my college years. This is still the pattern except that I don't drive in from BR anymore.)
  • Yes, I think Nirvana saved rock. It needs saving again. This is evidenced by the fact that the BBC story I linked to actually figures bands like Nickelback and Limp Bizkit to be Nirvana's progeny.
  • Right before the suicide I had seen a rumor somewhere that Cobain was planning some sort of collaboration with Michael Stipe (who was still marginally cool at the time) and this seemed like a really neat idea to me.
  • Courtney Love sucks