
Sunday, April 18, 2004

Here's a sad story

Today is the final day of French Quarter Fest. For those of you who don't know, FQF is what Jazz Fest ought to be. It's free. There is all sorts of music everywhere. It's out in the streets. You can go back and forth between the festival and multiple bars and shops and stuff. You aren't searched on the way in. There is lots of fun food catered by the local restaurants. This is a great time of year for Louisiana seafood, by the way. Oysters are still good, shrimp is relatively cheap, crawfish season is starting to peak. Did I mention it was free? This means that, unlike the Jazz Fest, which is mostly for middle aged yuppies from Canada or some such place, FQF is an organic street event and much more the kind of thing the desperately poor party enthusiasts (like me) who dominate the local population tend to go for.
Also there's the re-opening of the Canal Street streetcar line. This means that someone who has a Sunday off can hang out at the French Quarter Fest and then, for the first time in 40 years, ride the streetcar all the way down Canal to City Park and laze around for the rest of the day. Oh and check out the weather. Perfect day for all this, wouldn't you say?
And why do I bring this up? Yep.. that's because I am stuck here in the good 'ol liberry.. in the part of town where this crazy crap goes on.. moving chairs for some Vietnamese women's church group. No I'm not complaining or anything... oh wait a minute I just remembered that Daisy has weasled her way out of being here in order to spend the day doing "volunteer work" at Audubon Park. Ok now I'm complaining.

Also see: Streetcar gets a blurb in NYT Travel section (scroll down)