
Sunday, April 11, 2004

More Easter Festivities

The neighbors are in the street screaming at each other. The girls are holed up in Consuela's room having an Easter Buffy blowout. Before they disappeared, they were nice enough to buy me some fun toys for the holiday including magic rocks. We have gorged ourselves on ham and croissants and green beans and corn and crab bisque and Pino Griggio and Miller Lite. I don't quite mind if I do go on and have another one thank you very much. Rejoice ye, GSUS has risen.

Jeffrey's Corn and Crab Bisque:
In a large pot

  • Chop one onion

  • Scrape 6 husks of fresh corn on the cob

  • Add one stick of butter and stir until melted, add salt and pepper and saute for about 3 minutes

  • Add three or four tablespoons of flour (get it good and thick)

  • Continue to stir for another minute or so (I usually add more salt and pepper as well as some Tony Chachere's... remember to keep adding Tony's periodically as the mood strikes you throughout the preparation of this dish)

  • Add one half pint of heavy whipping cream

  • Stir.. add more Tony's then add one can of chicken broth

  • Let it simmer for a minute or two.. add more Tony's.. add a few drops of Rex brand liquid crab boil

  • Fold in two cans of fancy lump crab meat

  • Simmer for a few minutes

  • Serve with a little chunk 'o french bread

Pretty good stuff.

Edited for clarity (I am a bit tipsy this evening)