
Monday, April 26, 2004

Blah blah

Regular readers of this space will note its decidedly.. um.. light tone. Usually a week here consists of one or two incoherent rants about the news mixed in with a story about work...a really dumb joke.. and a Cubs score or something. This morning, I actually need to write some self-serving bullshit so I'm going to go ahead and do that. Feel free to ignore it and we'll get back to the inanities soon enough.

First, I don't believe in God. Never have. I've always told people that that means I am responsible for my own moral rectitude. I've come to realize that I have not been as true to this obligation as I would like and that's got to change. Four people come to mind immediately to whom I've been more horrible than I ever imagined I could be. Maybe I can make it up to them.. but I don't know.

Second, the life is extraordinarily ruttish. My job is pleasant enough but I often feel like I'm just biding my time here.. hiding from something. I still want to be a librarian but it probably will be a first move before I figure out what I'm actually supposed to be doing. I don't mind committing a little time and money towards the MLS thing. I've already started on that path.. but I'm going to be thirty this year and I'm running out of patience.

Ok that's enough.. the staff is here and they're already exhibiting their various neuroses.. cheers you up in a depressing kind of way. Ok navel gazing time is over just forget I said anything.