
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Where are they now

LaToya might hire Warren Riley to be her Homeland Security dude. That is probably going to get some attention.  Compared to naming Neil Abramson as her legislative lead and Derrick Shepherd as her.. um.. caterer or something, it's really not that big of a deal. Still, it has already triggered a bit of an amusing slap fight with another terrible person. 
“In the four years (Riley) was police chief, he never even bothered to read the Danziger Bridge report and to assess how something like that occurred and was covered up by the Police Department,” said Rafael Goyeneche, president of the watchdog Metropolitan Crime Commission. “Warren Riley was the chief of police during the Danziger cover-up, and now, we’re bringing him back for an encore?”

Told of Goyeneche's comments, Riley retorted, "I don't see why he's still the head of the Crime Commission. I have zero respect for Rafael Goyeneche."
Ha ha that's awesome.  Anyway, if Riley does get hired, it won't be his job to not read reports anymore. Instead he'll be in charge of shortening parade routes and operating the surveillance cameras and ratting people out to ICE and stuff. He's probably qualified for that.