Just when the regular assortment of Louisiana plagues (termites, caterpillars, nutria, snails, hogs.. do palmetto bugs even count?) was beginning to feel tiresome, nature.. or I guess... Audubon...
found a way.
The invasive Cuban treefrog, whose secretions can burn skin and eyes,
and which can outcompete native Louisiana treefrogs, has established a
breeding colony in Audubon Zoo and
The Fly that is not likely to be eradicated and could spread to the
state's coastal wetlands with potentially devastating impact, according
to researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey and the zoo.
Great. Something else that can fall out of a tree and sting you. Thanks, Ron Forman.
The zoo had imported palm trees and other plant materials from Florida
that year for its Asian exhibit, elephant exhibit and gator run area,
"and we surmised they might have come in with the landscape material
shipments," said Joel Hamilton, vice president and general curator for
the zoo, and a co-author of the paper. "But we don't know for sure."
All that's left to do now is figure out how to get them in the cookbook.