
Saturday, November 04, 2017

Congratulations, Mayor Charbonnet

As far as I know these are the first poll numbers since the primary and they are overwhelming.
Apparently the teenage demographic is breaking for Desiree Charbonnet in this year's mayoral contest.

At least that was the case in a mock vote Friday after a debate moderated by students from local high schools. The youngsters — casting their votes by cellphone, of course — went for Charbonnet over LaToya Cantrell by 82 to 41, though most of those present did not vote at all.
"Most of those present did not vote," is an easy frame for a cheap shot. Let's see if anyone takes it.  
The head of the Lower 9th Ward Voters Coalition, the Rev. Willie Calhoun Jr., said the organization put on Friday's event to get kids involved with the political process and encourage students from different schools to work together toward a common goal.

He lamented that the mock vote results were indicative of a larger problem, however.

"We had about 600 kids there, and only 100 voted," Calhoun said.
Well, no, the only problem this indicates is a lot of high school kids had to sit through a bullshit assembly which, being normal kids, they resented.  Okay so maybe it is a metaphor for this race after all.

Anyway, congrats to Desi. Way to go out and capture a big chunk of the ineligible vote.