
Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Get Tom Benson to cover it

Maybe if he pays for this we can consider LaSalle Street even.
Only one bidder has submitted a proposal to take down three Confederate monuments in New Orleans and is asking more than three times the amount the city has budgeted for the project.

Cuzan Services Limited submitted a $600,000 bid to remove statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard and Confederate President Jefferson Davis from public areas in New Orleans. The bid was opened Tuesday afternoon.

According to details from the bid read aloud during the meeting, Cuzan will charge $300,000 to remove the statue of Lee from its pedestal and another $150,000 each to remove the statues of Davis and Beauregard. The bid called for three quotes, one for the removal of all three statues, one to remove only Lee and Davis and a third to remove only Lee.