
Monday, April 10, 2017

Direct action Billy

So the city is having trouble finding a contractor. And there are a couple of (very long shot) bills in the legislature aimed at stopping their removal. But even with all that the time may come very soon   for Billy Nungesser to throw his (not unsubstantial) body in the path of the machine.  
Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser is worried that three bills aimed at keeping New Orleans' Confederate monuments in place could die a quick death once the Louisiana Legislature opens on Monday (April 10), he told WVUE Fox 8. So Nungesser says he's asking President Donald Trump for some help outside the Capitol, and is also consulting with lawyers from the Louisiana Attorney General's office, the TV station reported.

"Some of the lawyers for the state are looking at it to see if the lieutenant governor's office has any grounds. I know a lot of people are hanging their hat on the legislation in Baton Rouge," Nungesser told Fox 8. "My concerns are the committees that those bills are being put in are not favorable committees for those bills to get out of committee and we need to be honest about that."
Well, okay, but while the "lawyers are looking at it," somebody is gonna have to stall for time. Expect Billy at Lee Circle any minute to climb up and chain himself to the monument just like one of those #WildIsFree protesters.  Or maybe Billy can't quite manage that. In which case we have a showdown to look forward to.

The bulldozers and cranes have arrived. Lt. Gov Billy Nungesser stands between them and the monuments. The moment is tense, almost exactly like Tank Man at Tienanmen Square. Billy nervously wipes the sweat from his brow.. and the rest of his face from which he is basically always sweating... and produces a single can of Pepsi. The contractors turn and go home. The Confederacy is saved.

Probably next month sometime. Watch for that.

Update: Whoa! Hey! Now I think we know why Billy is hiding behind the ol Generals. 
Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser has been using a Lower Pontalba Building apartment and space in other state museum buildings in the French Quarter for his personal benefit and has engaged in a pattern of political interference with the agency's operations, the Louisiana State Museum's interim director said Monday while resigning in protest.

Nungesser’s interference includes attempting to override museum officials and board members who objected to plans to loan U.S. Sen. John Kennedy artworks for his office in Washington, D.C., and threatening to sell museum works of art on eBay to raise funds, said Tim Chester, a museum consultant who took the interim position in October.

“I have never encountered anything like this in the 40 years I’ve worked in the field, ever,” Chester said. “I’ve seen some pretty strange crap come down in museums, but this one takes the cake.”
We didn't get a chance to talk about that thing where Kennedy wanted to take state owned artworks to Washington with him.  It's pretty funny given his previously expressed feelings about public art. But that's not the important matter at hand right now. What is is the "strange crap" that seems to follow Billy Nungesser wherever we find him. Billy is probably the stupidest corrupt person in the entire state of Louisiana.. and, yeah, that is certainly saying something.

But let's do a quick review here. The charges levied by Chester aren't actually all new. We hadn't seen the stuff about the Pontalba apartments and the disputes over use of museum facilities.  But we had previously noticed the threat to sell parts of the collection on ebay

Prior to that, there was the time Nungesser's communications director resigned saying his office "was not a comfortable environment." That was probably related to the bizarre event where Nungesser fell for a phishing scam involving the Iraqi oil minister and a shipyard and a guy selling medical equipment by mail order or something... anyway. It was some "pretty strange crap."

And that's only what's happened since he's been in the Lt. Governor's office. Before then, there was lots of worse stuff. Consider Billy's cynical efforts to "save" Plaquemines Parish by.. selling it off to oil and chemical companies.  (See also here) There's also, of course, the matter of Nungesser's name showing up on the clients' list at the Canal Street brothel that David Vitter once helped to make famous. The "strange crap" associated with those stories eventually put Vitter's career to an end.  Nungesser's is still alive, though. Life is funny that way.