If its police force is any indication, anyway.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department investigation will allege
sweeping patterns of discrimination within the Ferguson, Missouri,
police department and at the municipal jail and court, a law enforcement
official familiar with the report said Tuesday.
The report, which could be released as soon as Wednesday, will charge
that police disproportionately use excessive force against blacks and
that black drivers are stopped and searched far more often than white
motorists, even though they're less likely to be carrying contraband.
The Justice Department also found that blacks were 68 percent less
likely than others to have their cases dismissed by a municipal court
judge, and that from April to September of last year, 95 percent of
people kept at the city jail for more than two days were black,
according to the official. The official spoke on condition of anonymity
because the official was not authorized to speak on the record before
the report is made public.
So, it's pretty much what we thought. The police are aggressive, violent, and racist. If you live in the U.S. you will already be familiar with this.
So what are we doing about it? Oh, what you might think. We've come up with
an expensive but techy-sounding solution that will allow some contractor to make a little money. If you live in the U.S. you will already be familiar with that as well.
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Taser International, the stun-gun maker
emerging as a leading supplier of body cameras for police, has
cultivated financial ties to police chiefs whose departments have bought
the recording devices, raising a host of conflict-of-interest
A review of records and interviews by The Associated Press show Taser
is covering airfare and hotel stays for police chiefs who speak at
promotional conferences. It is also hiring recently retired chiefs as
consultants, sometimes just months after their cities signed contracts
with Taser.
Just remember, Taser International is schmoozing police chiefs for your safety, citizen.