Nearly 10 years since flooding displaced hundreds of thousands of residents after Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans region’s growth rate continues to slow as the initial surge that marked a returning population is giving way to more typical growth patterns, according to new figures from the U.S. Census Bureau.The rest of the article puts a rosy spin on things, but really what's happened is we've removed enough of that "drag on the city's economy" underclass Pres Kabacoff told us we needed to shed that now we can get down to selling the rest of our formerly affordable housing to people who don't actually live here.
New Orleans was home to about 384,320 people last year and sat at the center of an eight-parish metro area with a combined population of more than 1.25 million, according to estimates released this week.
While New Orleans grew at a respectable rate of 1.4 percent between 2013 and 2014 and the larger region saw an 0.8 percent increase, the area is no longer putting up the high growth percentages it did as residents flocked back in the years immediately following Katrina.
Not much left to do but start patting each other on the back and handing out Bernardos.