Rudy Lombard, civil rights activist and former mayoral candidate, dies at 75
He was arrested his senior year during a sit-in at the McCrory’s dime
store on Canal Street on Sept. 17, 1960, which was organized by the
local chapter of CORE, the Congress of Racial Equality.
Lombard, who was the senior class president at Xavier and a national
vice president of CORE, was joined at the whites-only lunch counter by
Lanny Goldfinch, a white Tulane University student, plus Cecil Carter
Jr. and the late Oretha Castle Haley, both of whom were black.
The group, known as the “CORE Four,” refused orders to leave and were arrested.
The Supreme Court, which reviewed the case even though New Orleans
had no official segregation ordinances for stores, tossed out their
criminal mischief arrests in 1963 in the case of Lombard v. Louisiana.
Days before the arrests, Mayor Chep Morrison had made a pro-segregation statement that banned such protests.
“I have today directed the superintendent of police that no
additional sit-in demonstrations ... will be permitted ... regardless of
the avowed purpose or intent of the participants,” Morrison said in a
statement released Sept. 13, 1960, following a similar sit-in at a
nearby Woolworth store. “It is my determination that the community
interest, the public safety and the economic welfare of this city
require that such demonstrations cease and that henceforth they be
prohibited by the police department.”
“These convictions, commanded as they were by the voice of the state
directing segregated service at the restaurant, cannot stand,” Chief
Justice Earl Warren wrote in the court’s decision.
You can just hear the important people talking about how bad such disruptions might be for the city's image and brand or whatever. It doesn't really take much imagination. A few weeks ago a protest against police brutality somewhat distracted the presentation of
a corporate-sponsored light show at Gallier Hall. You don't have to go too far into the comments to that story
before you find,
This is an embarrassment for our city as many tourists had to leave
their cabs to walk to their locations. Then to view cops with he hands
in their pockets doing nothing for over an hour as well. I would like to
know why the cops did nothing as they blocked traffic by laying in the
street last night. Is this how they will react going forward?
According to the story, one onlooker suggested that the police shoot the protesters. Presumably this would have been helpful to the tourists as well.