
Thursday, May 09, 2013

The Bomb Robot has X-ray vision

Not that this does any good.
Lewis called the St. Bernard Sheriff's Office and deputies closed off both sides of St. Bernard Highway from Mehle to Friscoville Avenues at about 1:30 p.m. The stretch of highway wasn't reopened until around 5 p.m. Wednesday.

The Sheriff's Office sent in a bomb robot that X-rayed its contents but could not make a clear determination of what was inside. So, out of precaution, deputies took the bag to a nearby vacant lot and safety detonated it based on proper procedures.
Because the X-Ray vision cannot see through backpacks, the cops went ahead and set off an explosion... for safety. But, like I always say, you can never be too careful protecting Arabi's donut shops from disgruntled customers.
Lewis said the man had come in the last couple of days and "every day there have been some problems" with him wanting "wanting a free drink, or always something." On Wednesday, Lewis said that the man walked out without paying his check "and then he leaves a bag and it made you wonder."
In any case, finding random pieces of junk and exploding them continues to be a... um... booming business for area bomb squads and their robot friends.
Authorities are investigating a suspicious device found on the side of the National World War II Museum at 945 Magazine St., New Orleans police said in an email.

Officer Garry Flot said SWAT team members have the device and are trying to determine what it is. He said police used a robot to get the device.
Once they determine what the device (shower radio, bicycle tire, turkey sandwich, whatever)  might be, they plan to hold a public detonation later that afternoon along the riverfront.  Citizens may attend the celebratory safety explosion ("Boom Boom en Blanc: Flashmob with a Flash" ) for a modest fee of $40 per person which will go toward funding the NOPD consent decree reform.  If you are going, though, please leave your backpacks at home.

Update: The "mystery device" at the museum was, in fact, fireworks a "weathered" discarded bottle rocket.  So, yeah, I guess the party is definitely on, then.