
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Go back to bed. The grown ups will take care of you

Gonna be a busy day for me.

Go read this Evgeny Morozov review of Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen's terrible book. Here's a decent blurb to get you started.

The goal of books such as this one is not to predict but to reassure—to show the commoners, who are unable on their own to develop any deep understanding of what awaits them, that the tech-savvy elites are sagaciously in control.
Then go take a look at Glenn Greenwald's column from over the weekend about that Obama terror speech all the respectable media tell us is so historically significant. 

What Obama has specialized in from the beginning of his presidency is putting pretty packaging on ugly and discredited policies. The cosmopolitan, intellectualized flavor of his advocacy makes coastal elites and blue state progressives instinctively confident in the Goodness of whatever he's selling, much as George W. Bush's swaggering, evangelical cowboy routine did for red state conservatives. The CIA presciently recognized this as a valuable asset back in 2008 when they correctly predicted that Obama's election would stem the tide of growing antiwar sentiment in western Europe by becoming the new, more attractive face of war, thereby converting hordes of his admirers from war opponents into war supporters. This dynamic has repeated itself over and over in other contexts, and has indeed been of great value to the guardians of the status quo in placating growing public discontent about their economic insecurity and increasingly unequal distribution of power and wealth. However bad things might be, we at least have a benevolent, kind-hearted and very thoughtful leader doing everything he can to fix it.

No matter how uncomfortable things become in your digitized, privatized, terrorized, war-drone future, you can always rest comfortably knowing there are enlightened elites making all of your decisions for you.