The Rev. Grant Storms, a Christian fundamentalist best known for his bullhorn protests of the Southern Decadence festival in the French Quarter, was arrested for allegedly masturbating at a Metairie park Friday afternoon.
After Saturday night's parades, Menckles and I made a trip down to Bourbon street where we indulged in our annual Lucky Dog.

Since some time during the late 90s, I've been allowing myself one of these each year usually on Endymion Saturday but sometimes a bit earlier as was the case here. Menckles also thought this might be a fun time to actually engage the Christian missionaries (blurrily pictured wielding a cross in the photo below) in theological debate.

In both of these activities, the results were unsurprising. I ended up with indigestion, and she didn't make much headway convincing the missionaries that our souls weren't in any greater peril than usual. Likewise, Grant Storms isn't surprising anybody today either. But I don't think we'll be seeing him shaking a cross at anyone on Bourbon Street anymore so there's that.