
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

"Could have a big impact come 2012"

I really hate to pick nits with this very funny Onion article.

Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid Headed For Earth

But if it were up to me it would say, Obama rebukes crazy liberals for demanding full Asteroid shield. Instead mandates that each American purchase his or her own "piece of the rock"

Meanwhile, crazy liberals still looking to have a big impact.

WASHINGTON – Hundreds of liberal organizers and anti-war activists have signed a petition pledging to oppose President Barack Obama's renomination in 2012 unless he reverses course in Afghanistan and pushes for significant cuts to military spending.

"We vow not to support President Barack Obama for renomination for another term in office, and to actively seek to impede his war policies unless and until he reverses them," the pledge reads.

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