NEW ORLEANS -- The St. Augustine High School marching band will not be in the Rex parade on Fat Tuesday this year, the krewe confirmed Monday.
The organization that produces Mardi Gras' signature event issued a statement in response to inquiries from WDSU about the school's participation in next week's parade. According to that statement, the popular and decorated student band asked to march ahead of another local high school marching band, Warren Easton.
Bunch of primma donnas. Don't get me wrong. St. Aug has a pretty good marching band. But it occurs to me that their reputation as THE band to see each year is based more on this kind of stupid posing than it is anything of substance.
And they certainly can't make a claim to the title of hardest working band in the city. That distinction could go to St. Mary's,

or Xavier Prep,

or McDonough 35

who, bless their little hearts, seem to march in nearly every parade. I swear there have been times that I've seen one or more of these bands come down St. Charles more than once on the same day, as if they had reached the end of one parade's route and then bussed back to form up with the next one.
Heck even Warren Eastson whose position of prominence in this case is the cause of St. Aug's jealousy shows up more frequently than the "Marching 100" does. The two schools' colors are similar. Maybe St. Aug was embarrassed that they weren't the only girl wearing that outfit to the dance this year.

Anyway, here is some marching band video I shot over the weekend. We caught every parade but I don't remember seeing St. Aug at all, although I am told they were out. These first three are from the Krewe of Carrollton on Sunday which is the best parade to see if you like marching bands.
McDonough 35
St. Mary's
Q: How do you know a Catholic school band is coming down the street?
A: Listen for the xylophone. They all have one and feature it prominently. This is Brother Martin playing a xylophone-heavy tune which also happens to be the only damn song they know how to play... ever.
And finally, check this out. I know it's in the dark so it's kind of hard to see. It helps a little that the band is wearing luminescent novelties tied to their uniforms but anyway it's the Get a Life "adult marching band" playing Lady Ga Ga.
They seemed like they were having a good time. I wonder if they knew how insulted they should have been that there were other bands marching ahead of them in the formation.