
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In which the Christmas season begins to get to me.

Spirit of the seaon

Of course, I haven't even started with the obligatory shopping and preparations and such. Menckles and I had planned to go get a tree last weekend but you will recall that was a day I was feeling not-so-fresh. Besides, by this point in the year, if you're not hopelessly behind, and frustrated to the point of sucking on eggnog and everclear until you pass out on the floor every night, you're pretty much an asshole anyway. I hope you choke on a figgy pudding.

Anyway so this morning, I had resolved to make this a fifteen or sixteen hour day by heading out to the various suburban gift outlets after work so I could pace up and down and frown at various potential gifts until whatever always accidentally happens to make it all okay happens. Possibly a shooting or a collapsing dome or something. But that plan was blown away when I found the Tercel's right rear tire had mysteriously flattened overnight.

So Santa's sleigh is out of commission at least for another day or two until I get to it. Meanwhile I'm on the bike which is a far less convenient shopping vehicle but is still a pretty good way to get around town. At least it is until the city finishes putting these confusing and dangerous half-assed bike lanes everywhere.

Update: Matters became more fun last night when it was discovered that my jack had somehow rusted into utter uselessness in the trunk of my car.

Rusty jack

No idea how this happened. It says it was just standing over there chopping some wood when all of a sudden it began to rain but I'm not sure about that. Anyway I bathed it in WD-40, banged it against the ground a few times, drank two bottles of Abita Pecan, but nothing seemed to work. When Menckles got home, I borrowed hers so I could put the donut on.... which, when we lowered the weight of the car onto it, we discovered was also flat.

So yeah. Christmastime.