
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Must have been short on Boudreaux's Butt Paste

What else could possibly explain Drew Brees's massive consumption rate of Earth Balance vegan butter substitute? Only the best for young Bowen's delicate behind.

Update: And of course the real life answer is the dull one.
Brees's long list of food allergies includes dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs and nuts. "If I stayed away from everything I'm allergic to, I'd lose 20 pounds," says the 6-foot 209-pounder. "Some are minor allergies, some major. I listen to my body and do the best I can." Here's Brees's diet regimen on a nongame day. He drinks water throughout the day and at meals.

Still, I'm not above declaring Earth Balance the new Juicy Fruit.