
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Dangerous People of the Internet

Joe Lieberman: Freedom warrior.
A leading US senator suggested tonight that the New York Times and other news organisations publishing the US embassy cables being released by WikiLeaks could be investigated for breaking American espionage laws.

Joe Lieberman, the chair of the Senate homeland security committee, told Fox News: "To me the New York Times has committed at least an act of, at best, bad citizenship, but whether they have committed a crime is a matter of discussion for the justice department."

Remember back nearly a year ago now when mayoral candidate John Georges got all upset because some bloggers were writing about some embarrassing things in his past and recording him at speaking engagements where he made an ass of himself? Imagine if Georges had been able to have those bloggers censored by Cox and investigated by NOPD. Because that's pretty much what's going on right now with regard to Wikileaks.

As Digby points out here, it's pretty much why we have a First Amendment in the first place.