
Saturday, February 28, 2009

PBJ's train from Harrah's to Tigerland

At the same time that PBJ was on teevee half-smirkingly pouting about the magnetic train, "from Las Vegas to Disneyland" Jindal's administration was planning to ask to use the same pot of money to build...a train from New Orleans to Baton Rouge.

Two questions come to mind.

1) How can we expect such a small-scale project to come anywhere near to servicing the massive transit needs of New Orleans's high-level administrators? (see post below)

2) Will the new train feature a special fare for gunshot victims in New Orleans in need of urgent medical care at the new hospital LSU has threatened to build in Baton Rouge instead of Mid-City?

Here's how stupid I am. It took me all week to notice but here is more typical Jindal at work. On Tuesday Jindal whines about the irresponsible gubmint trying to build a "train to Disneyland" By the end of the week, Jindal is 1) asking to build a train and 2) in Disneyworld.

Which leads to a third and more serious question. If one magnetic train left Bobby Jindal on Tuesday traveling at the speed of "caution" how long would it take that train to approach anything like sincerity? Keep in mind, your answer may have to be expressed on some sort of evolutionary scale of time... which means Jindal may never understand it.

Upperdate: More from Oyster who has been gleefuly amping up the "liberal blogger B.S." over Jindal's flame-out all this week.

Uppestdate: CenLaMar also picked up on PBJ's "Disney Dissonance"