
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Still confused

Grace on yesterday's trash stunt:

Oh, about that letter: One, given to The Times-Picayune by a resident, was dated Jan. 28, and said the recipient had 45 to days to line up private collection. Nowhere does it mention the looming crackdown, which came just five days later.

The list of supposedly ineligible addresses, meanwhile, clearly hasn't been scrubbed.

At least two sites are improperly included on the city collection list, SDT owner SidneyTorres said. He knows this because one is a hotel on Royal Street that he owns, and the second a six-unit condo that he developed and later sold.

Some residents of smaller units say they've been wrongly excluded.

And there are residents of larger units report that they've been been assessed the $12 monthly sanitation fee on their Sewerage and Water Board bills. So when Nagin says "we can no longer afford to subsidize and to cover those individuals, so we're asking everyone out there to pay your fair share, " he should remember that some of them already are.

Who exactly needs 45 days to sort things out? The property owners who aren't paying the sanitation fee? The one's who are paying it but shouldn't be? The city, maybe?

See also Moldy City where much of this was foreseen long ago.