So even after "co-Presidents" Nelson and Collins finish shittying up the stimulus bill, Mitch McConnell announces.. to no one's surprise... that he's still against it. McConnell's remarks are once again available for your review below.
Yes, it's the same speech he's been making. And it's the same speech the Republicans will continue to make as long as they know the Democrats will be stupid enough to allow them to get away with it.
And that's just what they're doing. This morning, President Obama and Senator Reid each made statements that included the phrase, "we should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good" As noble as that sounds, the implication is that the problem lies with DEMOCRATIC uncompromising advocates of "the perfect". The clear fact is, however, that it's Groucho and the "I'm Against It" caucus who have repeatedly refused to budge... who have in fact managed to redefine the word "bi-partisan" to describe their obstinate behavior.
But again, the fault here lies squarely on the President's shoulders. The Republicans and the media are all too happy to play pretend for as long as they are allowed to do so.