In an unusual, perhaps unique, arrangement, State Education Superintendent Paul Pastorek has, in his words, "infrequently granted" Vallas permission to drive the state-owned car from Louisiana to visit family in the Chicago area.
In a written statement, Pastorek estimated the number of New Orleans-Chicago excursions -- a round trip of 1,800 miles -- at "about six." He said Vallas pays for his gas and lodging.
Pastorek added that Vallas spends "the majority of his time" in New Orleans but returns to visit family for a few days every four to six weeks. He called Vallas "one of the hardest-working people I know" and said it "would be impractical to expect Mr. Vallas to maintain custody of another vehicle in Louisiana" apart from the state-owned one he uses on the job in New Orleans.
We really should try to get the people charged with shaping the future of New Orleans's schools and neighborhoods to actually live in New Orleans. This Chicago-Dubai-Dallas-Australia metro region we've developed just isn't sustainable until Jindal finally lets us build all those levitating trains.