
Friday, April 18, 2008

Time to make more football players

I'm not sure what the Saints should do with the number 10 pick in the first round this year, but I generally think trading up is a bad idea. Most of the players available in any year's draft are so comically over-hyped that it's better to take the best guy available when your pick comes around than to give something away in order to target one or another of these questionable prospects. Trading down isn't so bad since you end up with additional rolls in the overall crap-shoot.

But a team who trades up is a team who has convinced itself that it KNOWS SOMETHING about one particular guy's future that is demonstrably unknowable given the history of this endeavor. It's the same kind of stupid ego that drives a coach to run a ridiculous trick play late in a game that appears to have already been won. The Saints are on the clock. Secure your grandmothers.

Mere minutes after linking to the AG blog, we see this.

Hey everyone, thanks for checking out the new AG blog. We have a classic good news/bad news situation for you. We just talked to our web designer and he’s going to have a brand new, all original AG site for us sometime next week. The good news is that it’ll feature all the same permalink and blog capabilities that WordPress is giving us now—the bad news is that, if you’ve linked to a story here or bookmarked this page, that link is likely not going to go to the new site and may not work once we’ve launched.

It could be worse. They could have had a "links permissions" policy.