
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Time of Plagues

Fist-sized snails invade Terrebonne
SCHRIEVER -- With brooms, scrapers and paddles in hand, snail hunters took to the bayous and swamps off La. 20 Tuesday morning to combat a looming invasion of alien intruders.

Invasive apple snails -- fist-sized and yellow-brown in color -- have gained a foothold in the Donner Canal area and possibly the swamps surrounding the highway.

And in a related matter:

Bernazzani mulling request to run for office
FBI Special Agent in Charge Jim Bernazzani, who has been at the forefront of several recent high-profile corruption and crime investigations, says he has been approached about running for political office in New Orleans and that he will decide within a year’s time whether or not to take up the challenge.