Here's a little known fact about Chris Rose's column. It turns out to be incredibly absorbent. So much so that you can actually build floodwalls out of it.
4 Investigates: Floodwalls stuffed with newspaper?
We know from reading his columns that Rose takes the recovery and protection of SE Louisiana very very.. um.. personally. But who knew that his life's work would end of being literally dedicated to this purpose? Way to go, Chris.
Update: It occurs to me that this may be my fault for underestimating the litteral-mindedness of the Corps and its sub-contractors when I decide to call someone a douchebag.
Also... we may all be guilty of not taking the publishers of The New Orleans Levee literally enough.
Upperdate: I iz Contractr!
Uppestdate: Also see Celsus's post which is not as full of snark as these... or as full of old newspaper as a floodwall.