The official Last Cool Front Of The Year arrived just in time.
Crowd was huge.
River was huger. I have pics. May post later.
Great day to bike downtown Saturday.
Great day to walk downtown Sunday.
Ran into old friends.
Made some new friends.
Harassed some local shopkeepers.
Danced with SheHateMe to Freddy Omar.
Ovi G and the Froggies is an awesome band name.
Thank God I didn't have to watch Theresa Andersen.
Learned that sunscreen + windswept dust = grimy oily face.
Listened to a trashy drunk girl complain about people who "speak hispanic".
Watched the same girl narrowly avoid a fist-fight outside of the... uh... the place that used to be the Matador.
Molly's on Toulouse, Monaghan's Erin Rose, Molly's at the Market, Johnny White's. Lots of beer, a bloody mary or two, and just enough Irish whiskey.
Duck Po-Boy, Italian Sausage Sandwich, Chaurice Sausage Sandwich, Alligator-on-a-stick, Some kind of chicken and shrimp pasta. Still... nothing outshines the Brisket and Horseradish Sauce from Tujagues.
Awesome awesome awesome weekend. Far and away the best FQF in recent memory. As I was sitting on the ground in front of the Aquarium enjoying my sandwich and my Jockomo IPA, I distinctly remember thinking, "Damn we got it good!"