
Thursday, April 24, 2008


Sooo... a small company of Louisiana plutocrats including the CEO of Lamar Advertising and the man who rode this year as Rex are slightly delayed leaving their private island retreat due to minor engine trouble and the headline on WAFB reads Lamar CEO, King of Rex, Among 8 Louisianians Stranded on Island in Pacific

The Dead Pelican has placed a link to this tale of minor travel inconvenience STRANDED LOUISIANIANS at the top of the site. Above the STRANDED headline sits a large photo of a tropical island similar to the very island where the STRANDED vacationers are right now as they await rescue under the most desperate and dire circumstances.
The group last week traveled to Palmyra Island, about 1,000 miles southwest of Hawaii for what was supposed to be a five day trip. They were scheduled to leave the island last Saturday. As of late Wednesday night, however, they were still stranded on the island.

The island is owned by The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii and is home to an international research outpost. A spokesperson for The Nature Conservancy says there is electricity on the island as well as cabins and plenty of supplies.

The group is not considered to be in any danger.

"Not in any danger"? Didn't the reporter read his own headline? These people are STRANDED.
"They're down there having a great time," Neu said of the stranded group. "At least one, possibly some of the others, had some important meetings (back home). But, you know, I guess maybe they can get them delayed or whatever. We're trying the best we can. We only have the one airplane and it's normally the only airplane that goes to Palmyra," Neu said.

Neu says the current plan is to bring a smaller plane to the island and shuttle the stranded people out in small groups to Christmas Island. From there, a larger plane can be used to transport the entire group back to Honolulu. That could happen sometime late Thursday, he said.

Okay so they're not exactly STRANDED in the sense that they're... sitting atop their flooded homes or inside a hot and fecund Superdome waiting for FEMA to show up with food and water while the rest of the country debates whether or not they're getting what they deserve. But, okay... yes... in a way I guess you could say these folks are STRANDED... on a resort island... with plenty of food and electricity... until Thursday (today) when they go to Hawaii.

Why then do WAFB and TDP insist that we concern ourselves with the plight of these STRANDED vacationers? Perhaps there's something they're not telling us about this island "owned by The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii" and "home to an international research outpost." Maybe... just... Oh my god!!!

We have got to get those people off that island!