
Wednesday, April 16, 2008


This morning Chris Rose submitted a column about the surprising way in which his life intersected with Ashley Morris's. Upon seeing the Yellow Blog mentioned in the first paragraph, I became momentarily concerned at 1) The embarrassment at having my name in the paper as a tangential result of a man's death, and 2) The prospect of having various enthusiasts of Rose's column inadvertently and unnecessarily pointed to this minor personal website. But upon further reflection, who gives a shit what I think?

As for the column itself, it strikes something very near the right tone... in, of course, a very Rose-centric way. And more importantly, it has been well received by those who knew and loved Ashley best. As with any Rose column, I have my quibbles but they aren't very important. What is important is that anyone reading right now can still contribute to the fund set up by Ashley's friends for the benefit of his family in their time of need. You may do so by clicking on Chris Rose's goofy little purse-lipped face below.

Besides... who's a bigger douche than Stacy Head, anyway?