
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Instant Goobernatorial Debate Reactions

1) All candidates other than Campbell appear to favor "dual-track" education beginning as early as "before high school" (according to Jindal) which emphasizes vocational training over intellectual inquiry. To put it another way, these elitist fucks just want the schools to train better slaves.

2) Jindal appears to view higher education as little more than a tool of corporate "R&D"

3) "Biology major" Jindal approves of teaching intelligent design alongside evolution.

4) Walter Boasso apparently wants to "come into your home" and tell people, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" What dipshit adviser told him to say that?

5) Foster Campbell is in favor of pardoning Edwin Edwards. God bless him!

6) Overall impression:
  • Jindal is a disingenuous pandering asshole... but you knew that already

  • Boasso and Georges are pathetically, embarrassingly inarticulate and hopeless buffoons.

  • Campbell comes off as though he believes his oil processing fee will solve EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM ON EARTH. It's the closest thing to a progressive agenda available, but he presents it in a cartoonish one-trick manner.

Jindal won this debate simply because his opponents are ill equipped to challenge his bullshit. Is this really the best we can do?

More, better written, and funnier analysis from Adrastos