
Friday, September 28, 2007

Stuff to Do

  • Cripple Creek's production of Bury the Dead continues to run between now and October 20 at St. Mark's (1130 N Rampart St). Showtimes are Thursday-Saturday at 8 PM. Admission is $10.00

  • The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Foundation presents its inaugural Congo Square Rhythms Festival This weekend (Sept 28-30) at Armstrong Park.

    From the NOJHFF website:
    This free community event will celebrate the history and cultural significance of Congo Square by bringing music, dance, food and crafts to the cobblestone plaza within Louis Armstrong Park. As the spot where African slaves were allowed to practice their ancestral drumming and dance on Sundays, Congo Square has become famous as one of the birthplaces of American culture
    See the site for further details

  • One of New Orleans's unique insitutions, Deutsches Haus, presents its annual Oktoberfest starting this weekend and going every weekend until the end of October. A front page story in today's T-P features the perhaps too late attempt to save the German cultural center from demolition in order to make way for the proposed LSU-VA medical complex. I have mixed feelings about this project. A teaching hospital in New Orleans is absolutely essential although I am among the minority who believe that the old Charity Hospital should have been salvaged and reopened. Relocating Deutsches Haus... probably to the suburbs... would be a tragic consequence of this new construction. Try and make this year's Oktoberfest. It might be your last chance.

  • Be sure to vote in the 2007 Douchebag Referendum.

  • The LSU-Tulane football game just ain't what it used to be... but what is? It's still fun to hand the smug Uptown faux-ivy institution of higher privilege the symbolic drubbing it perpetually deserves. Even if the game has lost its luster, you can still catch the annual LSU-Tulane wheelbarrow race at Henry's Bar Sunday at 2PM.

Best of all, no Saints this weekend. So get out and enjoy the weather.

Update: This one comes to us late in the day... but there is still time to catch "torchy jazz chanteuse Romy Kaye" tonight at the Neutral Ground Coffee House at 9 PM.