Jonathan Schwarz has been posting about the Silber series periodically at This Modern World. Today he points to a pertinent quote to consider as the usual crop of corporate funded militarist douchebags begin seeking the Democratic nomination for President.
To put it another way, and this is the issue that mere Democratic partisans adamantly refuse to acknowledge: Bush would not have been possible but for the Democrats who had preceded him…As the inconceivable dangers of wider war, including possible nuclear exchanges, loom over us all, petty partisanship and party loyalty as the primary concern are morally distasteful at a minimum, and occasionally abhorrent in their worst manifestations, intellectually irresponsible, and immensely dangerous. Such an approach does nothing to decrease the continuing calamities that confront us, but only worsens them.Without a true populist candidate, our imperial nightmare is certain to worsen.