
Monday, February 05, 2007

And you were there.. and you .. and you!

Krewe Du Vieux is very much becoming the March of the NOLA Bloggers. Find a good spot to watch and you'll see untold numbers of local luminaries stagger drunkenly past you as they futilely attempt to avoid stepping in horse poo.

I'm not sure if it was actually warmer this year or we just picked a more crowded spot in front of the Royal Street Grocery at the corner of St. Ann. Anyway, it was a comfortable vantage point from which I along with Goldschmidt, some random friend of Goldshmidt's, Shehateme, Menckles, Rudolph, and Mr. Rudolph watched one of the lead mules drop an impressive mule-deuce right in the middle of the street. The remainder of the parade was punctuated by the groan of the crowd each time another marcher fell victim to the shit-trap. Ever wonder why so many KDV marchers wear boots? Now you know. In the interest of furthering public understanding of this event, I may upload a photo of the obstacle later this evening so stay tuned.

And there it is

Among the crap marchers we encountered Saturday were Dangerblond, Maitri, and Ashley who gave me a bunch of "Edwards Now More than Ever" paraphernalia. I am given to understand that Adrastos and Dr. A as well as Blake and several other imaginary people from the internets were involved as well. Perhaps someday all the bloggers will get together and take to the streets as their very own "Krewe of Geek". I can't imagine we'd have any trouble generating the requisite amount of horse shit.

Also: Pretty good KDV video up at Dawnsinger.