
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Why is it

That the only vocal leadership in favor of restoring affordable housing to New Orleans has to come from so far outside of the state?

Among those on the hot seat at Tuesday's hearing will be Roy Bernardi, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which oversees public housing in New Orleans and plans to demolish four major developments -- C.J. Peete, B.W. Cooper, St. Bernard and Lafitte -- to make way for mixed-income communities.

But Frank said Congress can withhold demolition funds unless HUD provides guaranteed replacement housing for the low-income public housing residents displaced by the storm.

"Don't tear down public housing that low-income people can live in until you have a plan to replace them," Frank said. "We are prepared to provide funding, but not to shut down public housing so you can remove some people."