
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ash Wednessday is a day for rest

And.. of course cleaning cleaning cleaning. Living near the parade route subjects one's apartment to the worst sorts of party-related abuse. Because of this, the motivation to clean on Ash Wednesday is so strong that I can say with confidence that my place is never cleaner throughout the year but during this week. Soon the regular day to day grime and dust will settle back in. But right now everything is shiny and new. The streets, on the other hand, may take a bit longer.

We're hearing a lot in the local media about how much more efficient the post-Carnival clean-up has been this year. As a long-time amateur observer of this, I can't say it looks much different to me than it ever has. Most of the mess has been cleared, as it is each year by this point, but we're quite a ways from being able to look outside and be unaware of the fact that it was quite recently Fat Tuesday. The debris is particularly noticeable outside the library this morning. Some of it has been pushed into little piles out on the lawn, but it's still there. I'm not saying that the clean-up isn't progressing well just that it isn't any different than it is any year.

I'm a little behind on the Carnival posting so it's not quite time for Lent in this space yet. There will be more when I have access to the photos.