- The weather was perfect. This was important because it allowed us to arrive via bicycle without a bead of sweat. It was also helpful in alleviating the discomfort of pushing through the crush of humans pouring in and out of the Dome before and after the game. First lesson: If at all possible, bike to the game. There is something smugly satisfying about tying your bike up to a tree on Poydras street while all around you motorists struggle to maneuver through the maze for the privilege of paying $25.00 to park.
- I've mentioned this before. Our seats are at the top of the Dome. I called Mom and told her that I was going to try and poke my head up through the patched hole in the roof and wave for the blimp. Don't laugh. These are great seats. We can see everything and there is no one sitting behind us.. which is particularly good for whoever would have had to do that otherwise.
- Between about 6:00 PM when we got to our seats and 7:40 PM when the Saints were introduced, I waited in the longest concession line ever. This is a very good thing because it allowed me to not be in the stands during the totally gay U2 debacle.
- Many a Saints team in the past would have been primed to make asses of themselves in a situation like this. Instead, we saw a well prepared football team play a near perfect game. The Saints committed zero turnovers, and only two significant penalties that I can remember.. one which elicited another fun episode in which Sean Payton beat up a player.. Physically. The Saints blocked two kicks and allowed the Falcons to do next to nothing offensively. Also.. did I mention that the coach beats on the players? And that it is fun?
- The blocked punt by reserve safety (and damned dirty hippie) Steve Gleason will be one of the most talked about plays in Saints history.. and I was there... way up in the top of the building.. to see it.
- Mike Vick, Warrick Dunn and the NFL's leading ground attack was completely shut down. I'm a bit nervous about this because it means that our admittedly undermanned defense defies the laws of nature. How are they doing this? Will someone figure them out?
- Fred Thomas continues to be twice the man Mike McKenzie is
- Fashion news: My Sammy Knight jersey rocks. The man was one of the greatest Saints ever.. and the fans recognize that. I know because they all tell me so as I parade around the Superdome in that number. I am proud to accept these accolades on Sammy's behalf. Plus the current owner of jersey number 29, Josh "Never Mind The" Bullocks is starting to live up to the playmaking reputation it carries. Bullocks saved the Cleveland game with a late interception and came through again last night with a blocked field goal.
- The Falcons cannot catch.
- I accomplished quite an athletic feat my ownself at halftime. While returning from a second concession run, I managed to scale the Superdome terrace while precariously balancing six light beers on a tray. Under normal circumstances, I've been known to drop one beer... from my hand... while seated. But here.. inspired by the Saints's performance, I managed to pull out a near miracle. I think it was the jersey.

The view from above. Cell phone photo.

Yes yes we're all very impressed.. now get off the field you douche!

Where were you when...

Who are these guys all of a sudden?

Son of Sammy wraps up Vick. Make us proud, 29.
Okay.. so we're going to Disneyworld.. right? Not quite. However it sure feels good to beat the crap out of Atlanta no matter what the circumstances. Enjoy this while you can though, folks. You deserve it.
Game photos from T-P gallery