
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Where was Kermit?

Kermit Ruffins was billed along with Alan Toussaint and Irma Thomas for Monday night's national anthem performance.. but didn't show up. Does anyone know what happened?

Answer: According to Ashley, he was just running late. On NOLA time, ya know?

Update: T-P's Dave Walker
Kermit Ruffins, announced pregame as an anthem participant, wasn't present. According to a spokesman for his local record label, Ruffins' participation had never been finalized, and he had a Sunday night gig on the East Coast that wouldn't let him return in time to rehearse
So, there.

Note: This convincingly debunks Dad's theory that "the NFL or some other reactioanry bunch of fools had Kermit bumped for his blatantly public stance on marijuana."