For the unitiated, Sandra Wheeler Hester was the longtime host of a weekly cable access show in New Orleans called "The Hester Report" on which Ms. Hester held forth on her numerous complaints and confrontations with the Orleans Parish School Board... um.. among other things.
Two of my favorite episodes:
- One show aired following some sort of domestic disagreement in the Hester household prompting Hester to taunt her husband by conducting the show in front of a piece of poster board on which she had placed the message "One monkey don't stop no show."
- During the 2002 Mayoral primary, Hester staged an event in which she affixed photos of the candidates to the backs of live crabs and attempted to have them race. When the crabs shifted and loafed uncooperatively, Hester tried to motivate them by waving a dollar bill in front of them. Great stuff.
Please come home, Ms. Hester. We miss you.