
Friday, September 08, 2006

Letter to the Editor

I just submitted the following to ESPN's Page2 reader comment section.

Down here in New Orleans we're a little dismayed that Jason Whitlock purports to be simultaneously interested in the rebuilding of New Orleans and disinterested in the Saints this year. Were Mr. Whitlock to spend a little more time in these parts he would see that Saints football is such a crucial part of the cultural tapestry here as to be placed only slightly behind Carnival as a touchstone of our shared identity as New Orleanians. Sure the team will likely be lousy but this is hardly the point. It never has been. Over 40 years the team has won only one playoff game and yet managed to maintain its special place in the city's heart. In 2005, the Times-Picayune published the results of a "fan loyalty index" which measured total attendance per victory since 1967. The Saints led the league in this category. Furthermore the people of New Orleans have stated resolutely their belief that the return of the Saints is critical to the rebuilding process by purchasing over 65,000 season tickets for 2006. Win or lose, this football team still means something important to this city and its identity. Perhaps Mr. Whitlock should visit on September 25 when the Saints and all of New Orleans reclaim the Superdome, the site of so much tragedy, as a symbol of hope. He may understand then.