
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ok people look

U2 sucks, okay? Since about 1990.. they have done nothing but pump out an endless stream of musical douchebaggery.... oh and occassionally pretend that they can convince George Bush to care about AIDS in Africa. They are the worst kind of suck.. the kind that that comes with an ego equal to or greater than its suckishness. In case you're having trouble with this, here's a good rule of thumb. ANY BAND THAT WILLING TO PERFORM IN A STADIUM PRIOR TO A SPORTING EVENT PROBABLY SUCKS. Oh.. here's another one. ANY BAND WHO APPEARS IN AN IPOD COMMERCIAL PROBABLY SUCKS. Between their appearance and the planned insulting, brutish Superdome security pat-downs, I'm seriously considering selling my Monday night tickets.

Related: Maddox's Eleven Worst Songs of 2004