Yup it's been three years since I let my daily emailing to everyone I know of news stories that pissed me off finally evolve into this
stupid Aol Journal and ultimately to the yellow monstrosity you see here. Unlike some of the truly talented individuals who comprise the
NOLA blogosphere, I harbor no illusions that anything produced here amounts to any sort of journalistic service. Instead it's just evidence that I, like many other internet users and conusmers of news, have learned that the news is slightly more entertaining when you can kind of holler back at it a little. Incidetally, lots of stuff has happened in the three years that I've been hollering. We've seen and learned a few things. We've seen
a failed attempt to bring about meaningful regime change in America. We've seen the
Boston Red Sox win the World Series. Yup that happened! We've learned that literacy advocate
Aaron Brooks makes public appearances in his pajamas. We've learned that
our 30's suck every bit as much as our 20's. We've learned
not to trust Daisy with our library card. We've become familiar with the dark underbelly of
life in the slums. We've learned that some mornings bring
truly awful books to our attention. We've learned that
viable music criticism necessitates gratuitous use of the word "fuck". We've learned that we never want to become a
public school principal. We've learned that
skookses float. We've seen what happens when the
world very nearly ends. And, of course, we've seen what happens
when it actually does.But I think, above all else, we have learned that
Chris Rose is an enormous douchebag!But don't take my word for it, dear victim... I mean.. reader. Just take a look at some of the feedback this site has generated over the years.
- "Fun read...Militant librarian" Dangerblond
- "Blatant disregard for everything" Daisy
- "Yellow ocean of ingratitude" Oyster
- "A fun and gentle site" Kate J
Here's to continued useless inanity. See you around.