Adrastos has some neighborly photos from his 'hood's Night Out Against Crime event last night. For me it's yet another occasion to throw pre and post-Katrina New Orleans into high contrast.
I've lived on the edge of the "Triangle of Death" for six years now. Every year prior to this one, our neighbors on Carondolet street have hosted a popular block party on NOAC night. Lots of people.. free food... all that good stuff. In all these years, I've never participated. It seemed I always had other plans. Last year, for example, Consuela and I spent the evening taking in Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects. (Reviewed by me here, BTW) On our way out to the car, one of the neighbors stopped us and invited us to join the party. As we were already close to being late for the movie, we had to decline.
After returning to the neighborhood this past October, I thought a lot about the opportunities I've missed to better know the neighbors. I've actually taken to sitting out on the sidewalk in a lawn chair with a book in the evenings in a stupid effort to... I don't know.. participate? Last night came and went and there were Night Out block parties all across the city. But not on our block. The hosts have moved away. Their old house is currently occupied by what looks to be ten or so itenerant laborers. You never know what you end up missing.