That I'm still too busy to do much posting today so consider this a friendly hello.. with notes.
This weekend:
1) Consuela's birthday. Consuela is still Katrinaed to Memphis. Lets hope there's room to party there.
2) I'd like to attend the Alternative Media Expo and Geek Dinner 2.. but suspect I will have time for neither... or just one. We'll see.
Further notes:
1) August 21 marks three years of this particular yellow internet tube you are currently reading. I may do some obligatory navel gazing at that point.
2) The quote nobody got from a below post is from an obscure apparently Devo-inspired GBV outtake called Phase IV: The Rise of the Ants which appears on Suitcase 2: American Superdream Wow.
Final Question:
During the past few weeks, increasing numbers of people have been coming to the library with this agenda: "I just moved to town and need to get a library card." Where are these people coming from? Furthermore with so many displaced and unable to return why are they able to move here? (they all are moving to Orleans parish) Further-furthermore these people all are of the upper-middle class white professional type. What are they coming here for and is this not evidence that the city is indeed becoming gentrified and ethnically cleansed?