
Monday, August 14, 2006

Your Weekly Gambit Preview

Since, on Monday mornings, this week's Gambit exists only in the archaic print form I cannot yet link to its articles.. raising the question If trees were felled to produce a Clancy Dubos column, and it isn't posted on the internet how do we know those trees ever existed at all?

Actually it is Clancy's column I'd like to draw attention to this morning because

1) It is titled Don't Count Jeff Out which is a sentiment we can all share.

2) The argument is basically that Bill Jefferson has a very good chance of being reelected to his House seat. Which I think is probable.

3) I think Clancy might be reading some of our blogs these days. For example.. the following excerpt.
Yep, having lots of opposition actually plays into Dollar Bill's hands - as far as his re-election prospects are concerned.
Now maybe Clancy has used this nickname before and I just missed it... but I could have sworn that it orginated here.

Any thoughts? Oh and hi, Clancy... You only bug me a little bit.