
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

So.. some people really were in that number

What exactly happened here? Yesterday the Saints sent out emails informing people that their "number had been called" on the season ticket wait list and they had thus attained the privilege of buying Saints tickets if they still wanted to.

I got one. But that was weird because I'm not on the wait list.  We've actually had season tickets as part of a group since 2006.  We just renewed those, in fact. I already ordered my J.T. Barrett jersey and everything. Anyway, I'm not on the wait list but I am on the Saints' email list. As are a lot of people who got these messages yesterday
The offer, apparently intended only for members of the waiting list eligible to buy tickets, instead went to a much broader batch of names in the organization's database, including current season-ticket holders, people who had never signed up for the waiting list and some who had had no history of buying Saints tickets in the past.
Soooo at least some of the people who got the emails were meant to get them.  It would be interesting to find out how many.  Have the Saints announced anything regarding renewal numbers this year?  They seem to say at the end of the article that the wait list is 100,000 names long. I've been wondering about that for a few years now.

Also what is the deal with the Benson sports franchises and screwing up online ticket sales lately?  I'm starting to think that maybe the only person in the office who knew how to work the emails was Tom.