
Monday, September 25, 2017

We will fix the fiscal cliff if everybody takes a knee

So it turns out that all this time, the way to get conservative politicians to talk about ending corporate welfare was to bruise their little snowflake fee fees with nonviolent political demonstrations. State Rep. and noted critic of "political correctness" Ken Havard is suddenly ready to defund Benson over what he considers incorrect political activities.
Louisiana State Rep. Kenny Havard, R-St. Francisville, said Monday morning that he wants to cut millions in state tax dollars, exemptions and credits allocated to the New Orleans Saints, the NFL and any of those groups' associated facilities that receive funding.

Havard's announcement comes a day after a group of Saints players participated in a protest during Sunday's national anthem before their game against the Panthers. Protests were the focus around the NFL on Sunday as players chose different methods to demonstrate after controversial comments from President Trump late last week.
Maybe we should have started this a long time ago. As anyone who has followed the legislature over the past few years can tell you, the problem with tax subsidies goes well beyond football
In 2008, the state awarded 51 cents in sales tax breaks for every $1 it collected in sales taxes, the study panel found. In 2015, the state gave away $1.18 in sales tax breaks for every $1 it collected in sales taxes.

In 2008, the state awarded $1.08 in corporate income tax breaks for every $1 in corporate taxes it collected. In 2015, the state awarded $2.72 in corporate income tax breaks for every $1 in corporate taxes it collected.
The core issue in Baton Rouge in recent years has been (mostly) Republican obstruction of any meaningful effort to get these tax breaks under control. Maybe if we managed to make them mad at more industries over symbolism, though, we'd finally break through to them.  Has anyone talked to Ken about all the "libruls" who benefit from the Hollywood South credits?