little story here about a meeting between incumbent Coroner Jeffrey Rouse and challenger Dwight McKenna brokered by US Rep. Cedric Richmond just prior to Rouse's dropping out of the race. McKenna (who has run for this office before
in rather flamboyant fashion) is now unopposed. That could change only if Rouse somehow ends up winning reelection even without campaigning. He would then, supposedly, resign setting up a whole new election. So.. some people might still be interested in bringing that scenario about.
It is not clear if McKenna anticipates an organized effort to re-elect
Rouse — who is white — against his wishes. So far, McKenna's candidacy
has drawn some questions in the media, but there's been no overt
campaign to deny him office.
No "overt campaign," OK. But if you're looking for a slightly less overt campaign against McKenna, you don't have to look very far. Just keep reading.
He would be the first local politician in recent memory to be elected
after serving time in prison for a felony, having been forced off the
Orleans Parish School Board in 1992 when he was convicted in federal
court of tax evasion.
"McKenna ... will always be best known as a tax cheat," The Advocate's James Gill wrote earlier this month.
The Times-Picayune's Tim Morris wrote a column titled, "Vote for the quitter. It's important."