
Monday, September 18, 2017


Grease that's a byproduct of restaurant cooking is supposed to be trapped before water leaves the drain system. And even if it does escape -- usually the product of a faulty or overfilled grease trap -- it's supposed to go into the closed sewer, not the stormwater system, where it can clog and stink up catch basins.

One source of some of the grease has been identified: Red Fish Grill, the longtime Bourbon Street restaurant that's part of the Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group. Construction workers found dirty water -- often described as grey water -- pouring out of pipes that were connected to the storm drain. The Sewerage & Water Board was called in and determined that Red Fish Grill had been mistakenly connected to a storm drain.
Aren't they supposed to meet some sort of standard for grease discharge though? And they have to pay the disposal contractor a disposal fee by volume, right? And I'm pretty sure S&WB is already under an EPA consent decree to get all this in order.  But here's a Brennan just dumping shit into the storm drains. By mistake, of course.